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Interested in supporting our mission? Let us know!

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We Are Here To Help!

For General Inquiries

Have questions about homeschooling or want to learn more about Truth and Life Homeschool Resource? Drop us a line, and we’ll be happy to assist you in any way we can.

Join Our Directory

Are you a homeschool group, resource provider, or curriculum creator interested in being added to our directory? We’re always looking to expand and enrich our offerings for homeschooling families. Let’s connect and explore how we can collaborate!

Donate Books Or Equipment

Have gently used books, curriculum materials, or homeschooling equipment that you’d like to donate to our library? Your contributions help us provide valuable resources to families in need. Reach out to us to coordinate your donation and make a difference in the lives of homeschooling children.

Contact Us Below:

We Are Supporting Homeschool Parents


We have a number of events to help parents find their way in the homeschool journey.


We are proud to share these local co-ops and homeschool groups in our community.


Our resource library has books, math aids and science equipment to help you.